The Peak of Srednji Povlen
Srednji Povlen (Medium Povlen) is also called Delićki Povlen, after the Delić family who had their huts in this area. It is as if the name (Delić – comes from Serbian verb deliti – to divide) here divides Povlen into two parts. Of the three peaks of Povlen, the peak on which you are located is of medium height (1301 m above sea level) and hence its official name.
There are various assumptions about the origin of the name of the mountain Povlen, but only future research will give an answer. It is believed that the name originated from the Slavic pronunciation of the Latin name Paul (l) inus mons or Pavlova gora, after St. Paul, which may have been one of the many churches during the Roman Empire time, when this area was a mine, town and fortress called Taurus . Or, it is simply Povlen, since even today the locals call it Povljen, or Povaljen (comes from Serbian verb valjati – to roll in this case rolled) and similar to the origin of name of the City of Valjevo which Povlen is overhanging.
Vrh Srednjeg Povlena
Srednji Povlen naziva se i Delićki Povlen, po porodici Delić koja je na ovom prostoru imala svoje kolibe. Kao da i naziv ovde deli Povlen na dva dela. Od tri vrha Povlena, vrh na kome se nalazite je srednje visine (1301 mnv) i otuda mu i zvanični naziv.
Razne su pretpostavke porekla imena planine Povlen, ali će tek buduća istraživanja dati odgovor. Veruje se da je ime nastalo od slovenskog izgovora latiskog naziva Paul(l)inus mons ili Pavlova gora, po Sv Pavlu kome je možda bila namenjena jedna od mnogih crkava u doba Rimskog carstva, kad se na ovom prostoru nalazio rudnik, grad i utvrđenje Taurus. Ili je, jednostavno, Povlen koga i danas meštani zovu Povljen, u stvari Povaljen i na bliskom izvorištu reči kao sam grad Valjevo koje nadvisuje.